Domestic violence or family violence is the abuse of one family member against another. It affects families from any community, culture, or socioeconomic level.
These types of abuse can be given in different ways: physical, sexual, emotional, financial, or psychological.
All types of abuse revolve around two fundamental themes: power and control of the abuser over the victim.
Domestic violence is a crime that both men and women can suffer.
PHYSICAL ABUSE: Used against the body with the intent to produce physical pain or harm. Examples include:
PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE: Causes emotional harm. The abusive person attacks the victim’s self-esteem, seeks to degrade, control, humiliate, threaten, harass, restrict, manipulate and/or isolate the victim. It is a situation of superiority of one over the other and also of constant contempt.
Some examples may include:
SEXUAL ABUSE: Any act that affects a person’s right to decide voluntarily about his or her sexual or reproductive life is considered sexual violence. The victim is subjected by means of threats, use of force, rape, forced prostitution, exploitation, slavery, harassment and/or sexual abuse.
Examples may include:
FINANCIAL ABUSE: The abusive person causes a decrease in the economic or patrimonial resources of the victim, through the possession, loss, destruction and/or retention of his/her assets. From work documents to personal documents.
Some examples may be:
When we constantly have arguments or disagreements with family members and begin to fear them, this is where we find a sign of domestic violence. You will think that you have no power over your own life, and that instead it is being controlled by that person. Even so, there are other signs or indications that can determine some kind of abuse.
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