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Couples Therapy

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  • Individual and Family Psychotherapy
  • Life Coaching
  • Anger Management
  • Divorce Mediation
  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual Abuse/Trauma
  • Couples therapy
  • Workers Compensation Counseling

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Approximately 85% of people choose to enter into a life partnership in the course of their lives. Unfortunately, half of these couples end in separation or divorce later in life. The numbers are less encouraging in a second or third marriage and even worse in cohabitation or free unions. It is evident that no one gets into a relationship or marries to separate or divorce. Divorce is a very painful process for parents and children and it is important to have tools to avoid it.

There are skills that we must and can learn in order to be successful in our relationship. It is important to learn to be friends (knowing each other, respecting each other, and creating a system of mutual affection and admiration). Likewise, conflict is inevitable in a couple’s life, so it is important to learn to work through our couple’s conflicts constructively. Finally, it is also important to have dreams and goals together and to accompany each other in honoring our dreams.

Couples therapy is for all people who want to learn skills to live successfully in a relationship and who are committed to strengthening their relationship. Also, if you do not know if you want to leave or stay in your marriage, couples therapy will help you make a decision about your marriage. In the case of leaving, have a good divorce or separation and in the case of staying, rebuild your relationship.

Research shows that couples wait to seek help an average of 6 years after the first signs of dysfunction. It is important to seek help at the first signs or problems. Unfortunately, statistics show that many couples are late to couples counseling.

Therapy, in most cases, will help them strengthen their relationship, recognize dangerous signs, prevent and avoid separation or divorce.

Couples therapy will allow us to learn to:

During this process, basic questions to answer include:

The following aspects will also be worked on: